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7 Small Business Videos to Boost Your Marketing

Dec 31,2019• Proven solutions

In today’s era, small business videos are buzzing in every corner. Gone are those days when clients preferred reading the ladder of blogs. Now, the need for short and crisp detail has come out.

Hence, the booming businesses are adapting video marketing to enhance their quality sales. So to understand this secret recipe, you’ve chosen the right place.

You will unearth 7 best small business video types that SMB should make. Read on and get to explore more!

7 Best Small Business Video Types SMB Should Make

1. Make Explainer Video

Just as you introduce yourself to any person, your explainer business needs a comprehensive introduction too. Fusing audio and visual concepts to make your voice heard, stand as a great option. So, you can try your hand in making explainer videos for your small business and discuss needful information.

You must address the essential W’s – Why, What, When, Where of the business. Hence, one needn’t to delve into long explanations and headlines to mark the presence of your venture.

Make Explainer Video

2. Shoot product video

In order to garner a great expression, the product video for your small biz must be eye-catching. The brevity and clarity just like the 8 best product videos should be the terms of the video.

Remember, the content of your video should highlight the nature of your product – what it does and how can it benefit your potential customers. The mantra of keeping it simple goes far the mile. Also ensure the following matters are touched upon.

So, to effectively apply it, do keep these two points in your mind.


Balancing lightning is primarily important to get an amazing video! To get an amazing shot for your business video there is no such need to buy an expensive lighting kit.

Instead, you can use a shop light or what-so-ever you have handy and then filter the amounts of light to soften it by using diffusion material such as shower curtains or T-shirt etc.


Choosing an apt point of location can add wonders to your video, just be intentional with what you choose as your backdrop. Don’t just choose a random background that doesn’t suits your video.

Instead, ensure to choose a background that balances well with the amount of lights. It depends what you want to opt for, black or white wall or any other interesting location.

3. Make animated video

Nowadays, the preference of watching videos over reading blogs is variably high. And if the video content is fantastic, chances of getting it viral rises and your brand reach heights.

You can come in the limelight by hitting the chord right and can get sharable in numerous of channels. From a recent report, it was evident that videos, especially animated ones, knacks up to 1200% higher shares than what was observed with images and texts combined.

Hence, making animated small business video can get your business a great edge! One just has to dive deeper to the social space by creating an impeccable video!

4. Make company story video

Got a great story? Make it heard! The interesting background behind your venture can be an apt theme of doing a video for your small business. Allow your impressive line of your team to take a step forward to share the underlying foundation story.

By featuring friendly faces of your teammates will make the gist of the video to appear communicative and your prospects will feel more connected. After all, prospects make up their mind to buy services based on their emotions more than logic.

Remember to upload it to Linkedin.

5. Interview Experts

Unfailingly, interviewing a well sound expert in your market field can be a very prosperous idea! Feature in a full-fledged session with any such influencer and share the knowledge with viewers.

This would certainly yield a good number of followers. You can also record the whole thing on Skype. But before you get on with it, you must look at the following tips.

Tips to remember before you interviewing

Have a goal

As a general rule of thumb, you must ensure that your interview video must not look narrative or as if the responses from the experts are planned. Interviewers, in usual, do this mistake and constantly ask leading questions with the intentions to shove the experiences of the experts within a narrow box.

Also, make sure that you stay on topic for most of the time and just not go with the flow of conversation with your interviewee. For that, begin with the goal in your mind in order to provide apt piece of information the audience is looking out for. And, this way the video for your small business will be lauded for its quality.

Think of your content

When you approach an expert for their interview on your video for your small business, you must ensure that these people are in great demand and do not really have much time to go through your long comprehensive email.

Tell them exactly what and who they are contributing for and what you have in it for them. Keep it brief, for instance, if your email goes beyond a 50 - 60 words you’ll most probably buzzed them off!

Also, don’t pitch them in with a template message, be personal on approach instead. Towards the end, ensure share your contact details to get in touch with you.

6. Make customer testimonial video

Have a good base of customers? Why not feature them in the customer testimonial video?

Just a short video of them sharing their experience with your product can be a great initiative for small businesses. This video can communicate how well your customers are satiated with the product you aimed to reinforce in the market.

7. Thank Your Customers

To evoke greater sense of trust and continuity of your venture, communicating with users stands to be a viable option. Simply knit a warm relationship with your existing customers by connecting with them every now and then.

Say that, you’ve completed 2 years of work anniversary, feel thankful to the customers for showering immense love and support! Also, when you’re making such type of video, there is no such hard and fast rule of high production value has to apply here. After all, the customers expect appreciation, in return, only.

small business video


Just because you have employed all the methods, no-where means you should skip out this last option. Once you’ve drilled for your small business video, it is vital to let the audience know about it! You need to spread the word out! Share the video in multiple channels to maximize the reach of your amazingly crafted video. Just as you carefully upkeep other rules of video, it is very important to niche this one as well.

All in all, we’ve unraveled 8 essential ways one can undertake to make a video for small business. We recommend you to use the tip that you feel can serve you needs satisfactorily. And if you’ve successfully employed these methods on your video, care to share the link in the comment section.

Liza Brown
Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.